Conviction or Stubborn? When to Stand Up for Your Ideas

When is the right time to stand up for your ideas? One of the greatest assets a creator can have working with clients is knowing which battles to pick. The balance between conviction and stubbornness is blurry at best and will vary from project to project and team to team. We ask if it’s possible to genuinely collaborate free of the repercussions and fallout of ego politicking?

COVID-19: why true creativity lies within limitation

Doing something differently always takes you somewhere new. The current restrictions to accessing our usual tools, processes or workflows mean we are forced to look at a solution from a different angle.

Surely, this can only be a good thing if the goal is to create truly original work?

Sonic Wallpaper: Is Spotify Sidelining Creativity?

As the decade draws to a close, we ask is music becoming less about emotional connection and more about functionality? What influence do technology and subscription services such as Spotify have with shaping our wider relationship with music? And will genres as we know them cease to exist?

Understating the Problem: The Case for Restraint in Music in Advertising

We all know that today’s currency is resonance. So why are we still shouting at our audiences with music and sound? In this post, Head Composer Paul Sumpter aims to tackle the default position that audience impact is always best achieved by being big or forceful and how we can achieve it through poise and calm.

Back in your Box: How Pigeonholing is Killing the Creative Industries

  Pigeon-holing. Whether you deal with the visual arts, the word on the page, or with sound and music, it’s likely that at some point your career will have been hamstrung by its insidious fist. The ever-lingering, cursory discrimination of your skills or character that traps you in a box often entirely not of your […]