Audio Branding

what could your brand sound like?

We help brands, designers and agencies uncover the most authentic way to express themselves with sound and music.

Honed over twenty years working with the likes of ITV, TescoSKY, GMCThe FA and the UK Top 40 Chart Show, we have a diverse understanding of how to position a brand and positively influence your customer’s behaviour using audio.

_Whether you realise it or not, your brand has an audio footprint

But do you have an audio identity?

Any sound your customers encounter when engaging with your brand – from the music used in your advertising, what they hear in-store to what you use on socials, even the sound your product’s packaging makes – all these moments define and shape how your consumers perceive you.

Yet research suggests less than one in four companies have a dedicated audio strategy. 

Have you thought about what the sound and music you use – or the lack of it, is saying about your brand?

Brands that use music aligned with their wider identity are 96% more likely to be remembered compared to those that use ‘unfit’ music or no music at all.

_embrace the future

Music and sound are consumed across more touchpoints than ever before

The importance of sound is gaining momentum, with a 21% increase in companies investing in dedicated audio strategies since 2021.

Voice search exemplifies the trend of interacting with tech and brands in a more human, immersive way. E-commerce purchases via voice assistants are expected to rise by 400%, and 60% of UK homes now have smart speakers. Virtual retail and Web 3.0 will further this trend, making sound pivotal in early adoption and exploration.

We’ve won awards, launched flagship apps, generated a 138% increase in user engagement, helped secure over 4 billion streams and boosted a BrandIndex score from 13.5 to 19.9

We understand that entrusting an audio partner to embody your brand in an abstract medium such as sound can feel like a huge leap of faith, especially when sometimes the ROI isn’t immediately obvious.

No-one knows your brand better than you. That’s why we work harder than anyone to understand you, your hopes – the details of what makes you, uniquely you – then translate that into a sonic toolkit that your audience both recognises and aspires to.

Case study: ITVX

Bespoke Audio Branding and Strategy for ITV's International refresh

Featuring a fresh new audio identity created for the launch of the flagship ITVX streaming service – the UK’s first integrated advertising and subscription (AVOD/SVOD) platform and a bold new suite of broadcast channel audio for the UK’s largest commercial broadcaster.

General Manager // Songkick
This work feels thought provoking and innovative on every level. The concept is brilliant and executed with care – it’s truly pushing the boundaries and the strategic results are impressive.
Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones​

General Manager // Songkick​

_Ready to hear your brand brought to life?

We’re here to help you make it happen.

Our team of audio strategists, producers, composers and sound designers are ready to help you uncover the most unignorable way to express your brand with sound and music.

Let’s chat… 

_OUR approach

It’s our belief that the best and most beloved results aren’t achieved via a generic, anticipated and obvious response to the creative challenge. Meaningful inventiveness lies in the restless knowledge that we must first get out of the comfort zone and find new ways to create authentic resonance with the end user.

We satisfy the needs that are known. But we go about it in a way that isn’t. Every sound we create is uniquely tailored and exclusively ownable to you.

And always 100% on brand.

Because there or thereabouts is nowhere near.

_Our process

We’re here to make the seemingly tricky prospect of devising an effective, authentic audio strategy as simple, painless and rewarding as possible – setting your brand up for both short term ROI and long term success.

Whether your goal is differentiation, improving UX, driving brand awareness or simply increasing revenue, our innovative 3 step process – proven with some of the world’s most forward-thinking brands and agencies, is designed to open your eyes (and ears) to the vast potential of what audio brings to the party.

Executive Creative Director // ITV
The Futz Butler have been a pleasure to work with from day one. The work they produced was exciting, challenging and original - taking us out of our comfort zone whilst still hitting the brief and expressing the brand. Their process and the original way they approach the work is not only fascinating, but effective. It’s been a joy.

Executive Creative Director // ITV​

_Gongs & all that

Work that gets noticed

_Let's discuss the sound of your brand

+44 (0)20 7404 7227

_what is audio branding?

Audio branding is the process of consistently curating what the customer hears at each and every interaction they have with your brand

When most think of audio branding they’ll probably think of a jingle – or maybe the Intel logo. And whilst it can be, it is so much more beyond that…

Audio branding (or sonic branding as it’s sometimes called), is the strategic use of sound and music to enhance how customers engage with your brand across a myriad of F2F and increasingly ‘sound-centric’ digital touchpoints.

What they hear in the use of one of your products, on your website or social media, in your advertising, dealing with your customer services, in person in-store or at sponsored events.

It dovetails seamlessly with your other branding marketing tools – visual identity, typography, brand colours, tone of voice etc to drive wider brand goals.

Whilst there are clear similarities with other forms of branding, audio branding is a unique niche in and of itself

Alongside traditional branding practices such as differentiation, recall and recognisability, it also covers more progressive ideologies such as UX Sound Design (user experience shaped through sound), Psycho-acoustics (delivering meaning through audio), Product Sound Design and Environmental Acoustemology (devising how the spaces around us sound). 

Audio branding centres around building an authentic and recognisable audio identity that represents the values of your brand, product or experience in a distinctive manner. 

Much like a recording artist has a ‘sound’ that endears them to their fans and creates tribal followers, your brand’s unique sound solidifies the relationship your customers have with you. 

By tapping into the plethora of advantages sound has – most notably its direct cognitive pathways to the emotions, brands can create meaningful experiences their customers will not only value – but love.

  • 33% of adults under 35 favour brands with a sonic identity
  • 41% of consumers see sound as crucial to brand communication
  • 100% Sound-on campaigns on TikTok boost brand awareness by 2.2%

The use of sound can positively differentiate a service or product by improving recall, creating customer preference and building trust.

_Why do I need an Audio Brand?

From the iconic vuvuzelas of the 2010 South African FIFA World Cup, the Netflix ‘ta- dum’, to the opening chord of A Hard Day’s Night, sound has a unrivalled ability to signpost, humanise and unify a brand message in a way that feels intensely personal

Audio can steer purchasing intent, improve well-being or increase productivity. It has proved effective at reframing negative experiences as positive ones and it can be harnessed with meaningful ROI in fields as diverse as experiential gaming and end of life care.

In contrast, a lack of consumer connection between audio and brand results in a 7.7% reduction in perceived value.

From NFT’s, smart speakers, AI and Web 3.0 to city planning, product design and hospitality – the benefits that well-considered sound and music offer extend way beyond the traditional audio logo or brand anthem.

Advertising with audio branding cues sees an 8.5x increase in branded attention.

For brands looking for innovation to drive the bottom line, the possibilities with audio are limitless

As technology advances, we move away from the noisy mechanics of the past and towards a future brimming with unending possibility. 

From silent electric cars to the Smart Cities of the future, unlike ever before, we have the opportunity to truly own and sculpt what we want our world to sound like.

_How can sound help my brand?

Sound Makes People Feel

Audio branding is unmatched in its ability to evoke emotions and memories.

Sound activates more brain regions than any other stimulus, making it a potent tool for creating lasting brand connections. And audio consistent with a visual experience enhances the emotional impact on the user by 1207%. 80% of people admitted to feeling happy or hungry when they hear the iconic McDonald’s audio mnemonic.

The right music can significantly influence consumer behaviour. From supermarkets to casinos, tailored audio environments have been shown to increase spending by 39.2%. Music can also prime customers to purchase certain types of products over another.

Music is the most talked-about subject on social media.

63% of Gen-Z feel that audio is the most immersive form of media and 74% of young adults believe that they develop a better understanding of a company’s personality through their music.

Shareable brand activations using music and sound are a guaranteed way a brand can engage with younger audiences.

Sound is increasingly integral to our daily interactions. With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, audio is transforming how we connect with technology and brands. Voice-enabled e-commerce is booming, and audio strategies are driving deeper, more immersive customer engagements.

Sound has a unique ability to trigger memories and improve brand recall. Ads with strong audio-visual links see a 14% increase in brand memory. Strong associations that are difficult to explain in words, can be very effectively and easily transmitted through music.

Well-designed sound environments can improve focus and productivity by up to 200%.

And psycho-acoustic techniques act effectively as a means of distraction suppression and help maintain a deep work state, or ‘focus’ the brain to a particular interaction with your brand or a product experience

We don’t just experience the world through what we see alone.

Sound creates atmosphere.

Leading brands use adaptive audio technologies to create brand consistency, authenticity and convey their unique personality to the user as well as being ‘functional’. Making them more engaging and memorable.

Sound can elegantly deliver key information in scenarios where visual feedback is impractical or undesirable.

From virtual technologies, inaccessible or remote products to maintaining aesthetic integrity, situations requiring continuous visual attention or for the visually impaired, hearing signposts a host of functional and emotional cues that our other senses simply can’t deliver.

Audio can positively alter consumer perceptions, even in negative situations. Strategic use of sound can improve user experiences, build loyalty, and enhance brand reputation.

Sound can even change how we perceive taste.

Brands like Beck’s have used audio to alter taste perceptions and boost sales, proving the powerful cross-sensory influence of sound.

Sound has therapeutic qualities.

It can be used to calm during childbirth, treat anxiety, bring dementia sufferers back from the brink and successfully treat psychotic disorders. Brands that prioritise empathetic audio design can foster loyalty and improve consumer well-being.

Customers – especially younger demographics, seek personalised experiences and feel disconnected when treated like statistics.

Music offers an ideal personalisation tool leveraging neural networks and metadata to create unique, engaging compositions tailored to individual preferences, driving both user engagement and social talkability.

Sound can effectively reduce crime and improve safety in public spaces. Creative audio solutions, like ‘singing roads’ demonstrate sound’s potential for positive societal impact.

From audio described e-commerce, audio-led exhibitions to betas of AI enabled guide dogs, sound is critical for those with visual impairments or with additional accessibility needs. Silicon Valley is embracing sound as the new cornerstone of an accessible design approach

Unlike visual assets, audio branding can be effortlessly reworked and adapted. Iconic audio logos like McDonald’s and Intel have evolved over time, maintaining their recognisability and impact across various touchpoints.

_You may already have audio assets without knowing it…

The central tenet of your audio brand could be right in front of your nose (or at least between your ears)

Most brands, places or experiences have sounds that are unique to them. Whether it’s the scribble of a Sharpie, the literal snap, crackle and pop of Rice Krispies, the unique material sound your winter coats or jewellery make whilst being worn to the sound of feet on the steps down to a favourite pub or live music venue – there may well be sounds that your users identify and enjoy. These are, without you knowing it, distinct audio assets in their own right – lying dormant to exploit.

What better way to perfectly embody your brand than by making those sounds the backbone of your audio identity?

The scope to innovate and make your audio brand ownable is truly tantalising, not least because each case is so unique to your brand. Nothing could be more authentic.

It’s the science of unmistakable ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) sensory marketing.

Some great examples of this:

More people engage with music than any other human interest.

_more ideas...

_Ready for a chat?

Let’s talk about what your brand could sound like…

+44 (0)20 7404 7227